Diverse group of people holding hands

All bodies deserve respect and care.

We can help you along your journey to nutrition and body peace

Welcome to TLB Nutrition Therapy!

We are here to help you heal your relationship with:


The dietitians at TLB Nutrition Therapy provide individualized nutrition care.

Our goal is to move clients on this journey through evidenced based principles, individualized assessments, and non-judgmental practices that focus on the specific individual and their needs.

We provided access to all races, body sizes, gender identities, ethnicities and socioeconomic status levels.

Through embracing, trusting and exploring their bodies we know that true freedom can be the client’s future.

Our non-diet approach to the food, body and movement relationship allows us to assist clients in moving from a disordered or confused way of eating and interacting with their bodies to a peaceful place. We strive to assist clients to develop a mindset where they can fully embrace their food choices, trust their body communication and explore fun ways to move their body.

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Get in touch!

For inquires about TLB Nutrition Therapy, please feel free to reach out here.

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